Eurpean Airline
Here we designed the Hadoop solution with Cloudera to create a truly High Availability solution that spans three Availability Zones within a region, and spread the arcuitecture across the AZ’s, This invloved not just technology such as Load Balancers, but ensuring the Cloudera services were distributed in a way that would facilitate the failure of a complete Amazon Availability Zone. This was the first in Europe to do so. Phases included Requirements gthering, PoC, Architecture Design, Implementaion, Building Testing scenarios, testing PoC Evaluation and migration planning and execution. Think Big.
Global Food Supplier
Working for a $120 Billion corporate, we solutioned several aspects of their solutions, inclding pricing models, AI, and Enterprise Data Lake.
FCA – Financial Regulator (UK)
Here we worked for about two years to shape and conceptually model the Big Data environment for the FCA who regulate the financial markets in the UK. Their reach covers everything from banking, to day loans, and HPI and mortgages. The amount of data consumed and transformed is really Big Data!
Global Enegy Trading & Supply Company, based in Essen, Germany
Here ResolveIT was brought in to take a fresh look at the Data Warehouse that had been developed in a way by very technically skilled people within their domain, but analysis showed that the Business fuctions being performed by the various technologies used were not alighed to the strength of the technologies. For example, using a Web Server to process data when you already have an Oracle Exadata Machine built for that specific purpose. Working with the client we developed a new method of dealing with Data Extraction and removed many layers of processing, speeding up the data loads significantly. This lead to the traders buying and selling energy on the global markets to know where they stood regarding portfolio’s, quotas and trading limits much sooner than they did, so they could make the right trades, at the right time, and at a price that was right.
- Requirements Gathering
- Technical Expertise
- Development Strategy
- Product Roadmap
- Support Planning
- Skills Management