Big Data – Fools rush in?

Big Data covers a huge spectrum of data, technology, and business benefits. However, you need to have a clear business case for taking the leap.

I have seen businesses that can quite easity run their Enterprise on a single Oracle database try and move into the Big Data space.

What they don’t realisise is that the Big Data space is still an emerging technology, just as Oracle databases were 40 years ago. Now they are feature rich, and full of tools to help manage the changing landscape.

For example, in Oracle 6, do you think you could:

  • Store pictures
  • Store BLOBS
  • Partition Tables
  • Run Applicaion Clusters to scale out
  • Replicate Data
  • Run a Standby (DataGuard Database)

All these things came with time, and a lot of effort. So consider Big Data technologies as the Oracle 6 of today.

We can have a look at your requirements and see if you really need Big Data.  We will be honest and open, but please make sure you are, and have an open mind if its right for you.

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